Sometime back, I was visiting UK. As I was walking down a busy street one day, something on the wall near me caught my attention. There was a billboard with an advertisement for laser based hair removal devices. It was as if I had imagined space travel potential many years back and was suddenly looking at the advertisement of the same today.
Although a simple advertisement of laser based hair removal service, it shows some devastating possibilities for blades and razors industry. The technology for laser based hair removal is far from a state when consumer devices would allow in-home laser based hair removal.
However, technology changes with small steps such as that seen in the advertisement. As I came back to Boston I began to search for the latest hair removal devices based on laser / light technology. And I found a few of them.
While this technology evolves at its own pace, the implications for hair removal and care industry are somewhat horrifying. This could potentially eliminate the replacement demand of blades and razors on the one hand and a whole host of creams, moisturizers, and after shaves on the other hand. If the lifetime value of revenue and profits from blades, razors and similar products is summed for a customer, it becomes clear that the prices being touted for hair removal devices will ensure profit destruction in blades and razor industry. Could this be a rogue innovation heading towards the blades and razors?
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