In this season we have seen how powerful disruptive forces are. They seem to overwhelm incumbent firms, and often incumbents get disrupted. We saw in earlier episodes how Kodak and... read more →
The history of music listening experience is also a great lesson in disruption. When I look at my collection of music and devices, I see the evolutionary history of disruption... read more →
When you see someone suddenly begin to succeed beyond imagination, it is often a result of a personal transformation. The success you witness is an outward manifestation of something bigger... read more →
This episode will help you understand disruption by business model innovation. Why do some new business models disrupt whereas others do not? Can you predict which models will become disruptive... read more →
This episode is the second part of my two-part audio summary of my book The Dark Side of Innovation. It builds on the first episode where I shared three hair... read more →