Do you have a data-driven strategy? I often see organizations with a non-data-driven strategy. For a strategy professional, it may... read more →
Although every organization has an innovations strategy, not every innovation strategy is intentional and deliberate. There are two ways by which... read more →
Two Kinds of Innovators Innovators come in two forms - hunters and gatherers. Are you a hunter or a gatherer... read more →
In my strategy programs, one of the most common questions that come up is the nature of goals. People often... read more →
This 4 step change model explains why change is hard. It explains why some change efforts succeed while many fail.... read more →
What is driving the age of disruption today? Why are more disruptive events taking place more often and at a... read more →
Second mover strategy is a counter-intuitive way of winning in many industries. It involves waiting for the first mover to... read more →
Effective managers often make optimal use of time and attention to get the most bang for their buck. This habit... read more →