Have you ever wondered why companies fail? Why do thousands of firms die every year? Such an event leads to... read more →
Have you ever experienced this? "Check and mate," your opponent says after moving a piece on the chess board. "Gosh!... read more →
The single biggest fear that business leaders face is that of disruption. Bill Gates used to say that there is... read more →
Lack of Data used to be a Problem More than twenty years ago, when I was an MBA student writing a... read more →
What is the secret behind great decision-making? Why are some people great decision makers whereas others struggle in this area?... read more →
Many years back, I was in the market for a new car. I knew of the Lexus brand but didn’t... read more →
Whether you are transforming a situation or your career, the path is the same. In this video, I share details... read more →
Can you become more strategic in just five days? Can you learn how to think in a strategic manner so... read more →
We are witnessing an unprecedented era of disruption in the business world today. Mobile devices are disrupting PCs. E-Commerce is... read more →